How to Make Rice Water for Hair Growth Results 1 Week

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Hello friends, welcome to our blog, today in this article we are going to tell you about How to Make Rice Water for Hair Growth, you will know the result of this rice water in just 1 week. So let us now know how we can use rice water to thicken our thin hair.

As you all know at present, people’s hair is falling a lot due to which many people are troubled by thin hair. Now in such a situation, we are going to tell you a natural solution in this article that will make your hair thick and your hair growth will also be good.

Rice water is considered very useful for your skin and hair. You can use it daily or even 2-3 times a week. Let us know about the process of making it.

Why is hair fall happening?

Why is hair fall happening?

Hair fall has become a common thing in today’s time, many children are losing their hair in their 20s, do you know why this is happening?

The main reason for hair fall is tension or thinking. Many people start thinking too much about their career due to which people start feeling a lot of tension and they start losing their hair.

Many times people mostly eat fast food or smoke which causes hair damage and you start facing problems. Also, if you have a lot of dandruff in your hair, your hair may fall. Even if you are not getting enough sleep, your hair will fall.

Can we stop hair fall naturally?

Can we stop hair fall naturally?

Yes, you can easily stop your hair fall just by sitting at home. For this, there is a great need for you to make improvements in your daily life. You should stop worrying or worrying too much. Or if you have any smoking or drinking habit, you should leave it. Also, it is very important to get complete sleep of 6-7 hours.

You need to take some amount of protein in your diet every day, and it is also very important for you to take care of your hair. Do not wash your hair with too much shampoo or soap and do not rub your hair too vigorously when it is wet. You can use sunlight to dry your hair. But even after doing everything, if your hair problem is not getting resolved, then let me tell you that we have given you some solutions below, definitely try them, and you will get good results.

Vitamins and Minerals Contained in Rice

  • amino acids
  • B vitamins
  • vitamin E
  • minerals
  • antioxidants

How to Make Rice Water for Hair Growth Results 1 Week

How to Make Rice Water for Hair Growth Results 1 Week

If your hair is turning gray or falling too much, then the most important thing for you is rice water, which prevents your hair from turning gray and also makes it thick and strong. Just try using it daily and you will see good results within 1 week.

#Method 1

There are many ways to make rice water, some of which we are going to tell you in this post, Now we are going to tell you in detail below how to make rice water.

  • First of all, you all have to take some rice and water.
  • Now wash the rice thoroughly with water.
  • Later add water to the rice and keep it soaked for 24 hours.
  • Now after 24 hours, you have to filter this rice through a sieve.
  • Now your rice water is ready.
  • You can also add lemon to it because lemon reduces your dandruff and strengthens your hair.

Rice water is rich in Vitamin E and minerals which strengthen the roots of your hair and increase the strength of your hair. You must try using this rice water once, you will get results soon.

How to Apply This Rice Water

If you want to increase the strength of your hair then it is necessary to use this rice water twice a week. First of all, you have to wash your hair. Now you have to apply rice water on your hair. It is important to apply this rice water to the scalp of your hair. Now you have to wait for your hair to dry for 1 hour and then wash it with cold water.

#Method 2

If your hair is not soft at all and you want to make it soft and shiny as soon as possible, then this method can be amazing for you, so let us know.

  • For this, you have to take three spoons of rice and wash it with water.
  • Now add water to the rice and keep it soaked overnight.
  • Now in the morning, we have to extract water from that rice and fill it in a bottle.
  • Now you can add orange peel, lemon peel, or any strong essential oil in it. (use rosemary oil)
  • Now you close it and leave it for another day.
  • Your rice water is ready in 48 hours.

How to Apply This Rice Water

How to Apply This Rice Water
Source: Medylife

With the help of this rice water, massage your hair properly or wash it. Whenever you wash your hair, keep a bowl below to collect rice water because we can use that water later. This water is considered magic for your hair.

#Method 3

Whether your hair is falling more or less, anyone can follow this process, you will get very good results.

  • For this, you have to take as much rice as you prepare in a day.
  • And you have to add double the amount of water you normally add to that rice.
  • Now you have to cook it in the pan.
  • When your rice is cooked properly, filter it with the help of a sieve and wash your hair with it.

There is a lot of starch inside it which protects your hair. Doctors also tell you to take this rice water, it is a medicine for you. You can apply it to your hair by following the method mentioned above.


What benefits you get by applying rice water are mentioned below:

  • detangles the hair
  • makes hair smoother
  • increases shine
  • makes hair stronger
  • helps hair grow long


In this post, we have told you about How to Make Rice Water for Hair Growth Results 1 Week. We hope that you have liked this information. If your hair is not smooth and shiny then you can use this rice water and get results within 1 week.

If you are facing any problem with this post, then you can easily tell us by commenting, and we will try to answer all your questions. If your hair is also falling and you are worried, then tell us below, and we will talk about some natural cure for it so that your hair falls and you get good results. Thank you

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FAQs On Rice Water

Q1. How long do you keep rice water in your hair?

After applying rice water, you can keep your hair for 20 minutes to 1 hour, later you can wash it with natural shampoo and cold water.

Q2. Can we apply rice water directly on hair?

Yes, you can apply rice water directly to your hair, just keep it on for 20 to 1 hour.

Q3. Does rice water help hair growth?

Rice water is not very beneficial for hair growth, applying it makes your hair shiny and smooth and also turns your white hair black.

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