How to Make Rosemary Oil for Hair Growth

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Hello friends, welcome to our blog. Today in this article, we are going to tell you in detail about how to make rosemary oil for hair growth. We will also tell you what are the benefits of this rosemary oil for your hair and what else. This helps in the growth of your hair, we are going to know about this in detail also.

Nowadays, many children are losing their hair and some people have started becoming bald at the age of 24. Now in such a situation, many thoughts come to everyone’s mind about how to bring back their lost hair. Now rosemary oil is considered the best for hair regrowth. Now we are going to know in detail how to make rosemary oil.

Can I Make my own Rosemary Oil for Hair?

Can I Make my own Rosemary Oil for Hair?

Yes, you can easily make good rosemary oil at home in a natural way. Now to make it you will have to use only natural ingredients. We have given the full process of making rosemary oil below, all of you read it and regrowth your hair.


  • vitamins A
  • Vitamin C along with riboflavin
  • Thiamin
  • Vitamin B6
  • Folate
  • Niacin

How to Make Rosemary Oil for Hair Growth

Now we are going to tell you some steps below with the help of which you can easily make natural rosemary oil which is considered the most helpful.

How to Make Rosemary Oil for Hair Growth

Basic Steps to Make Rosemary Oil

  • First of all, you have to take rosemary.
  • Any oil can be used to put it in it. (You can use coconut oil or olive oil)
  • Put rosemary and coconut oil in a vessel.
  • Now you have to heat it well.
  • After the rosemary is mixed completely, filter it.
  • Now fill it in a nice glass bottle.
  • Keep this bottle in the fridge to cool, your rosemary oil is ready.

Rosemary oil is considered to be a great herb for your hair, which prevents your hair from breaking and also increases your hair growth. This oil also helps in growing new hair on your scalp. It also enhances the fragrance of your hair. As soon as you apply it to your hair and massage your head, you feel relaxed.

Rosemary & Castor Oil Hair Growth Recipe

6 Ingredients to Mix with Rosemary Water for Hair Growth
Source: eMediHealth

If you mix castor oil with rosemary oil, you get double the results in hair growth. If your hair is thin and falling, then castor oil helps in blood circulation of your scalp and also increases the life of your hair. Due to this, even your thin hair becomes completely thick. Castor oil along with rosemary oil increases your hair growth and also keeps your hair shiny.


  • 1/2 cup of castor oil
  • 5 drops of rosemary essential oil


  • First of all, you have to take any 100% natural castor oil.
  • Now heat it properly. After it gets heated, turn off the gas and take it out in a vessel.
  • Now add some amount of rosemary oil to it.
  • Let it mix well for the whole night. Now your oil is ready.

How to Apply Rosemary Oil on Hair?

How to Apply Rosemary Oil on Hair?

You can use rosemary oil at night. If you leave it overnight, you will get good results.

  • First of all, you have to warm the rosemary oil a little.
  • Now you have to easily apply it on your scalp with the help of cotton.
  • After this, you have to massage the hair with light hands in a clockwise direction.
  • As soon as you massage your hair, the blood circulation flow of your scalp starts increasing.
  • After applying oil to your hair overnight, wash your hair with shampoo and cold water in the morning.

If you do this process 2-3 times at a time, you will get better results. Sometimes if your hair is falling excessively then you can use this oil daily. After applying this oil, wash your hair only with cold water. If you use hot water, it can cause damage to your hair.

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We have told you about How to Make Rosemary Oil for Hair Growth in this article. We hope that you have liked our post. If you have any questions regarding Rosemary Oil, you can easily ask us by commenting, we will try to answer all your questions. Thank You

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