How to Nail Your Anatomy Exams For Beginners

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Anatomy is a subject with a lot of imagination and understanding. It is not one like biochemistry or physiology which can be memorized easily.

For a better understanding of this subject, we need to have a proper knowledge about the topic.

One of the simplest and most effective ways of studying anatomy is through diagrams and images. This can be done easily in dissection classes or by looking at images from various books.

As it is a first-year subject for students, it gets quite difficult for students to cope up with writing speed during papers, and most of the time they miss out on some questions and aren’t able to complete the paper. So now we will discuss the best way to write an anatomy paper, and complete it in time.

So as we all know, anatomy consists of general anatomy, histology, embryology, and gross anatomy. So we will discuss each of these separately.

General anatomy is asked for very few marks and consists of a small number of topics like bone, cartilage, etc. And the best way to write answers is by making points and adding diagrams.

Now we will see about histology and embryology – these are topics which students tend to leave as they feel they’re kind of hard and comprise lesser marks. But these topics are ones which help students pass, and get distinctions as well. Normally while writing answers about this, they should be started with the main diagram and then be followed by the important points of the question asked. This will make sure you get good marks on the question.

Now we will talk about gross anatomy. This covers the majority of marks and a vast syllabus (upper limb, lower limb, thorax, abdomen, HNF, and neuroanatomy). So for writing this answer, we need to remember a few important points, i.e.:-

  1. Start any question with an introduction of two to three lines.
  2. Add as many diagrams as possible to make it simple for the examiner to understand.
  3. Add histology and embryology (diagrams as well as information) in questions if asked about gross anatomy.
  4. Write the applied anatomy after finishing every question – this may give a good impression on the examiner.

Here’s an example of diagram you can draw for relations of mediastinal surfaces of the lung

Let us consider an example:-

Q. Shoulder joint

1. Classification and type of joint (Introduction).

2. Articular surfaces and characteristics of the joint

3. Ligaments supporting the joint

4. Bursae around the the joint

5. Blood and nerve supply

6. Movement/action:- This is one of the most important points in any question, and tabular format and diagrams should be used to make it easier.

7. Applied anatomy (2-4 points).

So as we have discussed how to write the paper, now we will discuss time management. So for time management, the best way to write is in a short and simple way, in point format and with a maximum number of diagrams. It makes it simpler and gets you good marks.

So this was all about writing the anatomy paper, and if you have any questions just let us know in query section!

Thank you!

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